NEW ⭐️ Welcome to Valerie and Liam’s house ⭐️
Hello. My name is Valerie and I am a primary school teacher. My husband, Liam, is a Customs Officer. We have two teenage daughters. Eva is 17 and attends secondary school in Wexford town. She loves dance, especially ballet and contemporary. Sophie is 15 and attends the same school. She is very sporty, plays soccer and Gaelic football and loves hip hop dancing too.
We are a very friendly and welcoming family and would love to host guests at our home in peaceful countryside surroundings. We live about 10 kms from Wexford town, in a rural setting with tranquil forest walks on our doorstep. We would treat any guest as part of the family and would be delighted to show them the beauty of our locality.
We will only host one guest at a time.
During the summer, we usually get up between 8.30 and 9.00 and depending on the weather and what sporting or dance commitments the girls have that day, we arrange to head off somewhere for a few hours. We’d often go for a walk in Kilmore, to Curracloe beach or for a hike on the beautiful trails of nearby Forth Mountain. In the evening , we’d come back home and either fire up the barbecue or make dinner.
We have lots of extended family living close by as well and we like to catch up and have fun with them.
Pour un premier voyage à l’étranger, je suis ravie que notre fille ait eu cette famille. Un accueil super, un hébergement génial, beaucoup d’activités et visites dépaysantes. J’avais pris des cours en option et l’apprentissage lui a permit d’intégrer plus facilement. Merci beaucoup Valerie !
Depuis que notre fille a atterri, elle ne tarit pas d’éloges pour cette super famille Immersion complète pour ce séjour en Irlande Eva et sophie étaient de super guides Ma fille a été inclue dans leurs groupes d’amies avec énormément de bienveillance Valérie s’est occupé de notre fille comme si c’était la sienne Vous pouvez y envoyer vos adolescentes en toute confiance Merci encore pour elle
From 630 € / week