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Here are the answers to some of our
frequently asked questions.

  • For host families
  • For guests
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For host families

  • What is Linguifamily's role in the organization of stays ?
    Linguifamily is a platform that connects students of all ages with experienced host families located abroad for immersion stays.
    Linguifamily provides information that allows them:
    - to find host families according to affinity criteria (age, family composition, location, offered activities).
    - to benefit from feedback from previous hosts via reviews and comments.
    - to benefit from a system of secure payment.
    - to benefit from a specially designed Travel Assistance

    Linguifamily is not a language hosting agency. We do not supervise the stays and there is no local representative.
  • Who is entitled to register on Linguifamily?
    Only adults can register.
    These people can be:
    - Parents looking for a language immersion stay in a host family for their child.
    - Students looking for a host family for an internship or studies abroad.
    - Adults wishing to make an immersion stay to progress in a foreign language.
    - Adults wishing to register as host families.
  • How much does it cost to register on LinguiFamily?
    Registration is free for bost host families and guests.
    We pay ourselves by charging a commission on bookings.
  • Will I be paid when hosting a guest ?
    Yes. Hosting a guest for a more or less long period of time can represent significant costs.
    This is why, as a host family, you can ask hospitality fees to offset the expenses (accommodation, meals, activities, airport tranfers as well as any outings, visits and leisure activities.
    Each family is free to organize costs as they see fit.
    The amount of the fees charged must be clearly indicated in your "Host Family" profile under "Rates and Conditions" and cannot be changed after booking.
  • How much should a host family ask for hosting ?
    Each family is free to organize costs as they see fit. The rate applied is used to cover the expenses related to your guests' stay.
    We recommend a rate between 350 and 500 euros per week, to which you can add additional services (language courses, internships, outings, airport transfers, any fees related to school enrolment etc.).
  • Who is in charge of visits and tours expenses ?
    The host family proposes and organizes the activities and outings that it indicates on its profile.
  • What kind of schedule can I offer a young guest on a linguistic trip? ?
    If you receive young people under 18 years of age, you can make a schedule with activities and outings that may be adjusted later on: going to a movie theater, visits, excursions, outings around town, cooking, DYI projects... Try to plan at least one activity per day.
  • What to do to make the best possible stay for a student or adult?
    Ensure that a comfortable bed in a separate or individual room is available for them.
    Take a few minutes to visit the house and explain how the days unfold: schedules and occupations of each family member, meal times, use of the bathroom, possible handing over of the keys, etc.
    Take them on a tour of your city or area so that they can get to know it and learn how to get around themselves using public transport.
    Suggest going on visits, doing activities and having friends or other family members over to your house so that the student can get to know other people.
    Try and consider them as another member of the family and ask them to help with errands, chores and other tasks around the house. Only speak in your language so that they can take advantage of their time to practice and improve their language skills.
    Be welcoming!
  • How can I provide the best possible stay for a young guest during their language immersion trip?
    First of all, try to organize something special for your first night host to welcome him/her: a family outing, a picnic on the beach, any attention will be welcome.
    Take a few minutes to visit the house and explain how the days unfold: schedules and occupations of each family member, meal times, use of the bathroom, possible handing over of the keys, etc.
    Provide a comfortable bed in a single room or in your child’s bedroom. Make a time schedule with an average of one supervised daily activity.
    Young guests need to have social interaction so activities can include sport or leisure activities, creative tasks, walks or outings, visits, tours and or having family and friends over to meet them. Let him or her participate in the family activities and domestic duties as other family members would do. You should, of course, try to only speak in your language to help the guest improve their language skills.
    Welcome them as special guests!
  • What kind of photos can I upload on my profile ?
    The photos uploaded and published on your profile are public, this means that anyone browsing the website can view them.
    It is recommended that no photos displaying you or your family’s personal information or your private life be used (for example, anything showing your address such as a mailbox).
    For the safety and wellbeing of your children, it is recommended that no close-up photos be used, we recommend using photos that have been taken from a distance.
  • What should I do if contacted by a member ?
    You should first communicate through LinguiFamily’s internal mailbox.
    For everyone's safety and peace of mind, it is strictly forbidden to communicate personal information (names, telephone numbers, addresses, etc.) via internal messaging.
    Once you have agreed on the terms of the stay (dates, rates and possible activities), your guest will book the stay online and you will receive a "Booking Request".
  • Once we agreed on the details of the stay what should I do ?
    - Agree with your host on the precise dates of the stay (from the date of arrival to the date of departure).
    - Ask your guest for a copy of his flight ticket to avoid any misunderstanding about arrival dates and times.
  • What should I do after I receive a "Booking Request"?
    Accept the Booking Request online or reply to contact[at] to DECLINE. The client will then be automatically informed of your response within 48 hours..
  • When will I be paid?
    We pay host families in 2 instalments: the 50% 48 hours (working days) after the guest's arrival, and 50% 48 hours (working days) after their departure. A delay in the receipt of payment may be added depending on inter-bank processing times.
  • Do I receive a deposit when the reservation is confirmed?
    No, you do not receive a deposit. Host families receive payment in full at the time of the stay.
  • How will I be paid?
    Host families are paid by bank transfer. You will be asked to provide a bank details slip when you register.
  • What do I do if I have to cancel a booking that I have already accepted?
    If you need to cancel a booking that you have already accepted, please contact us first. We will contact the client and help them to find an alternative solution.
    Please note that administration fees of €150 per cancellation will be applied if the cancellation is made less than 1 month before the start of the stay (or €100 if the cancellation is made more than 1 month before the start of the stay). These charges will be deducted automatically from future payments, or invoiced independently.

For guests

  • What is Linguifamily's role in the organization of stays ?
    Linguifamily is a platform that connects students of all ages with experienced host families located abroad for immersion stays.
    Linguifamily provides information that allows them:
    - to find host families according to affinity criteria (age, family composition, location, activities offered).
    - to benefit from feedback from previous hosts via reviews and comments.
    - to benefit from a secure payment system
    - to benefit from a specially designed Travel Assistance

    Linguifamily is not a language travel agency. We do not supervise the stays and there is no local representative.
  • Who is entitled to register on Linguifamily?
    Only adults can register.
    These people can be:
    - Parents looking for a language immersion stay in a host family for their child.
    - Students looking for a host family for an internship or studies abroad.
    - Adults looking to participate in an immersion stay to progress in a foreign language.
    - Adults wishing to register as host families.
  • How much does a language stay with a host family cost?
    It depends on the fees charged by the host family and the activities carried out during the stay.
    Prices excluding activities generally vary between 400 and 600 euros per week. They are detailed at the reservation step ("Book" button accessible from each host family profile).

    Transportation costs (plane, train etc...) are not included. You must therefore book and purchase your transportation ticket separately.
  • How are the host families selected?
    Host families apply and complete their profile online. They must provide a proof of identity and we check the concordance of the elements provided on the document and on the profile.
    The "Verified Profile" is granted to families who have provided a proof of residence in addition to their ID.
    The "Certified Profile" label is granted to families who have also provided a criminal record check for each adult in the family, as well as at least 3 references from previous guests.
  • Can we trust families we have never met?
    When entering the Linguifamily community, each member joins our Quality Charter, and uploads his ID.
    - Families with the mention "Verified Profile" also provided a certificate of residence.

    - Those who have the label "Certified Profile" provided, in addition to their ID and proof of residence, a criminal record check for each adult in the family, as well as references from at least 3 previous guests.

    - The reviews posted by previous guests give a clear idea of the quality of the stays.

    - On request, we can put you in contact with previous guests who have stayed with the host family you are interested in.

    - You can ask all the questions you want to the host family by messaging, before booking, and this without worrying about language issues thanks to our automatic translation system.

    This way, doubts will be cleared up before departure and you will be able to go away with complete peace of mind.
  • What do we mean by "transfers"?
    Transfers are the trips between the airport or train station and your host family's house. Transfers can be offered without supplement by the family, offered as a paid option, or not offered by the family.
    Be sure to check what is indicated on the family profile before making the reservation. If in doubt, ask the family directly by messaging.
  • How old should a child be to go abroad for a language immersion trip ?
    Families need to decide the appropriate age for a child to go away on a trip on an individual basis. Linguifamily's purpose is to facilitate exchanges for young people over 10 years of age, but younger children can participate in exchanges as well. Given that there is no supervision apart from the host families themselves, nor local agents, the young people must be autonomous.
  • How much time should a child go away for on their first language immersion trip?
    Each child and each family are unique so there may be guidelines but there is no rule.
    If a child has never been abroad it is advised that the trip be limited to 2 weeks. However, a minimum 2-week trip duration allows host families to plan a varied number of outings and activities, and it shouldn't be too much to manage for guests and hosts that are meeting for the first time.
  • What is the minimum acceptable level of language to go abroad?
    There is no minimum level. However, it is recommended to be able to use simple sentences and be understood in basic day to day conversations.
  • When will I have access to the host family's contact details?
    The family's contact details are communicated after the reservation, as soon as the family has accepted the reservation. On average, you will have the family's details about a week after your reservation.
  • What should I do once we have agreed on the stay?
    - Define with your host family the dates of the stay (from the date of arrival to the date of departure).
    - Book your transportation ticket and send the host family a copy of the transportation details to avoid any confusion about arrival dates, times and places.
    - Start the administrative procedures without delay. (cf How to prepare for your departure?)
  • How to prepare the stay?
    IDs and Visas: Contact the embassy of the country to which you are travelling to check on the documents to be presented at the entrance to the country (identity card, passport, visa, and other requirements).
    You can also check with the airline that sold you the tickets.

    Check if a territory exit permit is required for minors travelling alone.

    Travel Assistance : By booking your stay on Linguifamily, you automatically benefit from a travel assistance during your stay: Axa Travel Assistance covers the costs of illness or hospitalisation, accidents caused to a third party, all the activities that may be carried out during your stay, trip cancellation, civil liability. For more information, see our General Terms and Conditions of Insurance.
    Please note that the Travel Assistance does not cover the transport used to get to the host family.

    Banks : check that you can use your credit card in the destination country.

    Telephone plan : make sure you can use your telephone plan in the destination country, both to call outside the country and to be called.

    European Health Insurance Card : for residents of Europe who are going to a country of the European Community, remember to request the European Health Insurance Card at your Social Security Center before leaving.
  • How can I contribute to the success of my child's stay?
    First of all, you should know that the first days will be difficult for both of you.
    We draw your attention to the fact that the more you are in contact with your child (by email, Skype or telephone) the harder their integration will be.
    You should therefore restrict exchanges during the first week and let them know before leaving that having little contact is for their own good.
    Be careful with computers and tablets. Your child will be hundreds or thousands of miles from home, living with an unknown family, not quite comfortable with the language and it is tempting to use a tablet to communicate with their friends or to sit in their rooms and watch movies.
    Inform your child to be aware of and to pay attention to social and behavioural rules or customs in their host family and in the place they visit.
    In case of medical treatment or any specific recommendations, make sure the host family has clearly understood your instructions.
  • What if I need to change my stay after booking?
    The first thing to do is to contact your host family to inform them of the change and validate the new conditions with them. Then, once you have his agreement, please contact us at contact[at] to change the reservation.
  • What to do if I have to cancel my stay?
    - Cancellation within 48 hours after booking : Any reservation can be cancelled free of charge within 48 hours of booking by contacting our services at contact[at]
    - Cancellation after 48 hours after booking, you must first contact your host family by internal messaging system or any other means to inform them of the cancellation.
    - The deposit is not refunded if I cancel my stay, only the balance can be reimbursed by Linguifamily.
    - The deposit may be reimbursed by Axa Travel Assistance. For any refund request following cancellation of your stay, please contact Axa Assistance directly at the number indicated to you at the time of your reservation.
  • What to do if the host family cancels the stay?
    In the event of cancellation by the host family, we offer to reschedule your stay on other dates with the same family or with another family of your choice.
    Please note that as transportation costs and other tickets cannot be refunded by Linguifamily. We strongly advise you to buy modifiable tickets in order to be prepared for any eventuality.
  • What does "Verified Profile" mean ?
    Family profiles who have a "Verified Profile" have provided an ID and a proof of residence. We verified that these documents were consistent with the information on their profile.
  • What does "Certified Profile" mean?
    Family profiles with the "Certified Profile" label have provided, in addition to the ID and proof of residence, a criminal record check for each adult in the family and at least 3 previous guest references. We contacted these guests to authenticate the references and verify the quality of the homestay.
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