Terms and Conditions

Thank you for using the website www.linguifamily.com here are our terms and conditions. For any questions or information, please contact us at the following address: contact[at]linguifamily.com.

Please note that these T&Cs have been translated and we apologize in advance for any imperfections that you may encounter while reading them. In the event of any difference between the translated version and the French version, the French version shall prevail.


These Terms and Conditions are concluded between the company B LINGUI SAS, hereinafter B LINGUI, which publishes the website www.linguifamily.com which connects individuals in order to organise language stays, hereinafter referred to as the Stay(s).

These Terms and Conditions govern the conditions of use of the site and the contracts resulting from it.

By registering on the site, the Member acknowledges that he/she has read and accepts all the present clauses.


The purpose of this clause is to define the various essential terms of the contract:
"Ad" refers to an online publication of a Host Family on the Platform, setting out the conditions of accommodation and stay offered to Travellers.
"Traveller's Insurance": A Multi-risk insurance taken out by B LINGUI for all Travellers, the conditions of which are mentioned in the General Conditions of Insurance.
"Booking Confirmation": Written document received by the Traveller summarizing the details of a booking.
"Member Account" refers to the account that must be created in order to become a Member and access certain services offered by the Platform.
"Host Family" refers to a family hosting Travellers at home for the purpose of learning the local language and providing a Language Stay offer.
"Service Fees " refers to the operating costs of the platform. They include Travel Insurance.
"Member " refers to any Internet user who has created a Member Account on the Site using an e-mail address and a password.
"Linguifamily websites " refers to the Linguifamily platform, accessible at https://www.linguifamily.com on the one hand, also called the "Platform", and the blog accessible at blog.linguifamily.com, on the other hand.
"Booking" refers to the agreement between Users via the use of the Platform according to the terms stated and accepted by them in the Ad.
"Service ": The services as defined in article 4 of these Terms and Conditions.
"User" refers to any visitor to the website accessible at https://www.linguifamily.com.
"Traveller" refers to a person who stays with a Host Family following a Reservation made on the Linguifamily site.


The use of the Site is subject to these Terms and Conditions of Use (T&Cs).

Applicability of the Terms and Conditions:

By registering on our Site, the Member agrees to be bound by these conditions, which constitute a contract between the Member and B LINGUI. Unless otherwise specified, all conditions apply to all Members.
The T&Cs constitute a contract governing the relationship between the Member and B LINGUI.
They cancel and replace all previous provisions and constitute all the rights and obligations of B LINGUI and the Member relating to their subject matter.

B LINGUI and the Member agree that in the event of any contradiction between information on the Linguifamily Website and the T&Cs, the latter shall prevail. The Member's full and unreserved acceptance of these T&Cs is deemed to have been given as soon as he/she has ticked the box "I accept the Terms and Conditions" when creating his/her Member account.

If this box is not ticked, the creation of the Member account and the use of the Services is impossible and invalid, which the User acknowledges.

B LINGUI reserves the right to modify the T&Cs at any time, the modifications taking effect at the time of their publication on the Site, subject to their acceptance by the Member upon his new connection to his Member Account.


Linguifamily is a Platform which connects Travellers with Host Families in France or abroad in order to organize Immersion Language Trips.

Through its Websites, Linguifamily offers the following services to Internet users who wish to organise their language holidays:
- Information, advices,
- Establishing contact with local Host Families for the organisation of personalised stays,
- Internal messaging system allowing communication between Members and Host Families,
- Secure payment system,
- A travel insurance, mandatory and systematically included with each Booking, for the benefit of the Traveller,
- Creation and sharing of testimonials, comments and reviews,

By registering on the Websites, each User understands and accepts that:
- All published Ads and contracts that are concluded between Members are the exclusive responsibility of the latter.
- B LINGUI does not intervene in any way in the contractual process between Members relating to the organisation of a language stay.
- B LINGUI does not act as the Members' agent to manage their Family Stays.
- B LINGUI is not involved in the research of Host Families or in the execution of contracts.
- B LINGUI does not carry out the preliminary visit of the Host Families.
- B LINGUI does not intervene in the settlement of disputes between Members.
In this respect, it is specified that the commitment descriptions that appear on the Platform, in particular under the name of Quality Charter, are made available to Users for information purposes only.
B LINGUI is not required to ensure the accuracy or updating of the information and Ads provided on the Platform by Members.


The use of the Platform is strictly reserved for legal entities, natural persons of full age and emancipated minors.
By accessing the Platform, the Member declares and guarantees to be 18 years of age or older. Any registration by a minor is strictly prohibited.
If the legal representative of a minor child registers the latter on the Platform, the legal representative acknowledges and accepts to be the sole responsible for the supervision of this minor throughout the duration of the Stay.
The legal representative declares that he has read and accepts these General Conditions.
If a Member books a Stay for a person other than himself on behalf of other Travellers, the Member ensures, declares and guarantees that each Traveller on whose behalf the Member makes the Reservation has read and accepted these Terms and Conditions.
At the time of registration, the Member guarantees that the information provided is accurate. The Member undertakes to create a Member Account for his personal use only, any creation of a Member Account for a third party is prohibited.
The Member undertakes to keep his password secret and is responsible for the security of his Member Account. If his password is usurped, the Member undertakes to notify B LINGUI without delay.
The Member may close his Member Account at any time without charge.


The Site is accessible free of charge and in any location to any User with Internet access.
The Site uses all necessary means to ensure quality access to its services. The obligation being of means, the Site does not undertake to achieve this result.
Any event due to a case of force majeure resulting in a malfunction of the network or server does not engage the responsibility of B LINGUI.
Access to the Site may be interrupted, suspended or modified at any time without notice for maintenance or any other reason. The User or Member undertakes not to claim any compensation following the interruption, suspension or modification of the Site.
B LINGUI is authorised to apply emergency measures (e.g. blocking access to the Platform) to ensure the integrity of B LINGUI's or a third party's systems.
The User or Member has the possibility to contact the site by e-mail at contact[at] linguifamily.com.


The Service is reserved for natural persons of full age, emancipated minors, enjoying their full legal capacity and legal persons who may submit themselves unreservedly to the present T&Cs.


In accordance with the provisions of Article L221-18 12 ° of the French Consumer Code, it is expressly recalled that in the case of the provision of accommodation services, other than residential accommodation, services for the transport of goods, car rental, catering or leisure activities which must be provided by a specified date or period, the right of withdrawal may not be exercised.


B LINGUI, does not own, create, or sell Ads on its Site.
Host Families are the only ones responsible for the Ads they post online. When Members make a Reservation they enter into a contract with each other, in no case does B LINGUI become a party to the contract.

The Member acknowledges that any legal action arising from such a contract (for example relating to the misconduct of Travellers or Host Families, the quality of the Stay, etc.) must be brought against the Member concerned and not against B LINGUI.

B LINGUI's role is limited to connect Travellers with Host Families via technical means. Its liability is limited to the provision of these means, as described in these Terms and Conditions and the linking of Travellers and Host Families.

In accordance with Article L. 211-17, IV of the Tourism Code, the amount of damages that B LINGUI would be required to pay for any reason whatsoever shall be limited to three times the total price excluding tax of the services, with the exception of personal injuries and damages caused intentionally or negligently.

B LINGUI is not in a position to check the accuracy of each declaration and content published on the Site, as well as the identity documents and proof of domicile provided by the Members.

Therefore, it is up to the Members themselves to verify the data provided by another Member as soon as they become aware of it.

B LINGUI is not responsible in case of identity theft. In these circumstances, any person suspecting identity theft must immediately inform B LINGUI.

Users, Members and B LINGUI are independent, each acting in their own name.

B LINGUI gives Users access to a very large community of Members of all origins. By creating an account and accepting these General Terms and Conditions of Service and Use, Members undertake to respect all other Members regardless of their origin, sex, sexual orientation, political opinion or religion. Any person who does not respect this principle of non-discrimination will have his Member Account deleted.

B LINGUI cannot be held liable in the event of force majeure or the unforeseeable and insurmountable event of a third party.


10.1 B LINGUI provides a neutral Platform that allows Members to enter into Contracts with each other.
It is recalled that B LINGUI is a third party to the contract and that the contract itself is concluded between the Members concerned and B LINGUI is not a party to any of these contracts, notwithstanding the fact that obligations may be due to us by either party related to the contract.

The Member acknowledges that any legal action arising from such a contract (e.g. relating to non-payment, misconduct of Travellers, misconduct of Host Families, quality of Stay, etc.) shall be directed against the Member concerned to the exclusion of B LINGUI, notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in this Agreement or on our Site.

10.2 A contract is formed between two Members when, after replying to an Ad, the Traveller receives confirmation of acceptance from the Host Family, hereinafter referred to as Booking Confirmation.

10.3 The Booking Confirmation includes the conditions agreed between the parties at the time of the Booking, as well as all the relevant conditions contained in these conditions. The Member has the obligation to comply with its contract with the other Member.

10.4 As a Host Family, you represent and warrant that you have purchased adequate liability insurance to receive Travellers in your home.

10.5 Each Member undertakes to comply with all legal requirements relating to visas, insurance, accommodation, taxation and all other applicable laws and regulations relating to the contract, including those applicable to the reception of minors and/or disabled persons.

10.6 For any Stay organisation or any contract with another Member for the organisation of a Stay, the Member undertakes to use the Platform to the exclusion of any other means of telecommunication or website.


11.1 - Publication of Ads

The Host Family acknowledges and accepts that by creating an Ad on the Site, it makes the following personal information available to all Users of the Site:

To be valid, the Ad must contain:
- A title
- A description of the host family
- The spoken language
- The list of persons composing the family (surname, first name, date of birth, sex, family status)
- Information on accommodation in single rooms or not
- Information on the presence or absence of domestic animals
- Information on the progress of a typical day
- 3 photos minimum
- Maximum number of hosts received at a time
- Rate applied to cover expenses related to the accommodation of Travellers
- Type of accommodation offered (full board, half board, bed & breakfast)

11.2 - Internal messaging

An internal messaging system is available to our Members.

No personal data should be communicated by the messaging system and any such data (telephone number, e-mail address, various contact details) may be automatically masked by our system.

Messages are subject to moderation and any Member who posts or receives messages containing personal information may be sanctioned by deleting his Member Account without further notice.

11.3 - Booking

Each User can make a Reservation directly on the Site, over a specific period of time, by replying to an ad.
A Host Family may refuse any request for a Reservation without having to justify itself. It must then inform the Traveller who made the Booking as soon as possible.


Ads are classified by default by decreasing price per week of stay.


B LINGUI does not manage the transport arrangements, the User is solely responsible for organising his transport, the prices indicated on the Ad do not include any transport costs.

Tickets for flights, trains, buses or any other mode of transport to the Host Family are not included in the services and must be booked independently by the Travellers.

It is strongly recommended that Travellers book modifiable tickets in the event that a change in the dates of the Stay should take place.

Under no circumstances can transport tickets be refunded by B LINGUI if the Reservation has to be modified and cancelled.


14.1 - Booking prices

Prices are displayed in euros including all taxes, if any (VAT and other applicable taxes) unless otherwise indicated.
In its role as intermediary, B LINGUI receives a commission. This commission includes travel insurance and is calculated on the basis of 21% excluding VAT of the price of the stay for accommodation and 21% excluding VAT of the price of the options. This commission is added to the price offered by the Host Family and it is paid by the Traveller.

Transportation to the Host Family is not available on the Platform. Tickets for flights, trains, buses or any other mode of transport to the Host Family are not included in the services and must be booked independently by the Travellers. Drinks, airplane catering costs, expenses to be paid on site, checked baggage, any exit taxes, any tourist cards or security deposit, vaccination costs, visas, insurance and any service not mentioned in the description of the offer are not included in the price.

The promotional offers offered by the Site may not be combined with each other unless otherwise specified.
Under article L211-12 of the French Tourism Code, the price may be modified even after validation of the Reservation, the increase in these prices will then be a direct consequence of a change in exchange rates in relation to the contract.
Any changes will be notified to the Traveller in a comprehensible manner and accompanied by a proof of calculation.

14.2 - Travellers' Payment terms

Payment for Stays is made on the Platform by online secure payment, or by cheque, bank transfer or payment link. Payment is made in 2 stages:
- Payment of a deposit at reservation
- Payment of the balance at the latest 6 weeks before the beginning of the Stay.

If the Booking is made less than 6 weeks before departure, the balance is payable within 6 days of the Booking.
Any Reservation whose balance is not paid 5 weeks before departure is automatically cancelled and no refund can be requested except by the Traveller exercising his right of retraction.

No partial refund of the Reservation may be requested by the traveller in the event of an early return.

14.3 Payment to host families

14.3.1 - Payment terms

B LINGUI makes the complete payment of the Host Families in 2 times by bank transfer. 50% within 7 days of the Traveller's arrival, and 50% within 7 days after the Traveller's departure.
The time required for the funds to reach the Host Family's bank account then depends on the bank's processing times.
If the duration of the stay is more than 1 month, the payments for this Reservation are made monthly.

14.3.2 Service fees applied to Host Families

The Service Fee is 10% excluding VAT. These fees are calculated on the total amount of the Reservation and automatically deducted when paying the Host Family.


15.1 - Cancellation of the Reservation by the Traveller:

15.1.1: Cancellation within 48 hours of booking :

15.1.2: Cancellation more than 48 hours after booking, and more than 6 weeks before departure :

The deposit including B LINGUI's commission paid to the Reservation is not refundable.
The balance of the Reservation is not claimed.
The Traveller may submit a request for reimbursement to AXA Multirisques, which will be accepted or not depending on the terms of reimbursement provided for in the Axa Multiric Contract.

15.1.3: Cancellation of the Booking more than 48H after the Booking and less than 6 weeks before the departure :

The deposit paid at the time of booking is not refundable.
The balance paid for the Reservation is not refundable.
The Traveller may submit a request for reimbursement to AXA Multirisques, which will be accepted or not depending on the terms of reimbursement provided for in the Axa Multi-risk Contract.
In no case may Host Families claim compensation following the cancellation of a Stay by a Traveller ;

15.1.4 Modification of a Reservation :

15.2 Cancellation or modification of the Booking by the Host Family:

15.2.1 Cancellation by the Host Family:

If the Host Family cancels the Stay, they must inform Linguifamily in writing at contact[@]linguifamily.com as soon as possible. Linguifamily will contact the client and propose an alternative solution.
An administrative fee will be charged to the host family:
- €150 if the cancellation is made 30 days or less before the start of the holiday.
- €100 if the cancellation is made more than 30 days before the start of the stay. These costs will be automatically deducted from future transfers.
Linguifamily will offer the Traveler an alternative solution, i.e. postponement of the Stay with the same Host Family, or an equivalent stay with another Host Family.
Under no circumstances may the Traveler claim a refund of the reservation or transportation tickets.

15.2.2 Modification by the Host Family

Payments made by the Traveller on Linguifamily are fully refunded.
The Traveller may under no circumstances claim a refund of his transport tickets.

Please note that if the conditions of use of the messaging system have not been respected by the user or the host family, in particular if personal details have been communicated, the deposit will not be reimbursed in the event of cancellation of the reservation, whether this cancellation is at the initiative of the host family or the user


16.1 - Travellers' Insurance

Linguifamily has taken out insurance with AXA that automatically covers Travellers during stays booked on the Platform. The conditions of this insurance are described in the General Terms and Conditions of Insurance.

16.2 - Host Family Insurance :

By registering on the site, Host Families declare that they have taken out civil liability insurance for the reception of Travellers at their home and undertake to provide proof of this at the Traveller's simple request.

16.3 - Professional Liability Insurance :

B LINGUI has taken out professional liability insurance with ALLIANZ.


17.1 - Accommodation

As a Host Family, you undertake to :
- Have no criminal record.
- Have the legal authorisations and approvals required to host Travellers.
- Provide the Traveller with decent accommodation for the duration of the Stay; Provide the Traveller with the services specified in the Ad and in the Booking.

17.2 - Compliance with the services booked by the Traveller:

Should a complaint arise due to non-compliance with the services booked by the Traveller, or non-compliance of the services with the description in the Ad, the Host Family will be requested to refund the services not provided, together with a handling fee of €50.

17.3 - Cancellation of a booking :

In the event of cancellation of the Booking by the Host Family, they must notify B Lingui at contact[@]linguifamily.com as soon as possible. A handling fee of €100 (cancellation more than one month before the start of the holiday) or €150 (cancellation less than one month before the start of the holiday) will be applied and automatically deducted from future Transfers.


If a Stay does not comply with the description in the Ad, or does not comply with the services provided in the Booking, a complaint can be sent to contact[@]linguifamily.com within 24 hours of the end of the Stay.

Linguifamily undertakes to ask the Host Family for a refund of any services not provided, but is not responsible for the results of this request, nor for the refund of any services not provided.


The User undertakes to use the contents of the site in a strictly private context. The use of the contents for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited.

All Ads posted by Host Families are their sole responsibility. Host Families undertake not to put online any content that may harm the interests of third parties. Any legal action brought by an injured third party against the site will be taken care of by the Host Family who published the Ad.

User or Member content may be deleted or modified by the Site at any time and for any reason. The User or Member receives no justification and notification prior to the deletion or modification of User or Member content.

B LINGUI reserves the right to use the content published by Users or Members to illustrate its brochures, Websites and presentation documents. Unless otherwise advised by the Host Family and the Traveller by mail no later than one month after the end of the Stay, the Host Family and/or the Traveller shall have a worldwide, perpetual, non-exclusive, transferable (with sub-licensing rights), royalty-free license to use, copy and modify, post and create excerpts or derivative works of the Ad or comments in any media format, on our own Service, on our other channels including mobile, electronic communications, social media, public relations, contests and press releases and also on third-party media, including for redistribution or promotion of our Service.

B LINGUI will never use these Ads in a way likely to harm the persons appearing therein or their entourage.

However, B LINGUI cannot be held responsible for any publications made by Members. This responsibility will be solely the responsibility of the author of the publication, and where applicable, its legal representatives.


20.1 The User, Member, Traveller and Host Family are each responsible for the content posted on the Platform or exchanged via the Platform's messaging system (including the offers and evaluations you publish).

20.2 The User, Member, Traveller and Host Family shall ensure that the content it publishes (including content that is provided by a third party and content that is posted on the Platform and that directly affects it) is accurate and not misleading and shall update it to ensure that it remains so.

20.3 Host Families must promptly delete their ad or terminate their account (as the case may be) if they no longer wish to offer a Stay. B LINGUI reserves the right to delete Host Family Ads that have been inactive for a period of 2 years.

20.4 Each User, Member, Traveller and Host Family acknowledges that B LINGUI reserves the right, at our discretion and without notice, to modify at any time the text or presentation of any Ad to ensure that it complies with the technical requirements of B LINGUI and to the extent that B LINGUI considers that the modification made is necessary for the purpose of understanding the Ad or respecting the Law and regulations.< br/> B LINGUI only collects and presents data and information and does not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided. Each User, Member, Traveller and Host Family acknowledges that they have understood the limitations of the information placed on our Website.

20.5 Ads must not contain links to other websites or include contact information for the User, Member, Traveller or Host Family.

20.6 B LINGUI does not guarantee that an Ads will generate a particular level of revenue or appropriate inquiries.

20.7 Reviews and comments:
Travellers can post comments on the Host Family profiles. B LINGUI is not able to verify the accuracy of the comments and it is possible that some of them may be inaccurate or misleading. However, this feature should not be an abuse tool.
B LINGUI reserves the right to partially or completely remove any content containing personal information. B LINGUI is not required to justify the deletion, which may be justified by a breach of the general conditions or for any other reason at our sole discretion.
If a User, Member, Traveller or Host Family believes that a written comment about them is false or disproportionate, they may contact B LINGUI at contact[at]linguifamily.com.
In the event of repeated infringements, the Member's account may be suspended for a fixed or indefinite period.
Are never allowed on the Site any:
- content created solely for promotional purposes, or any other commercial content, including company logos, links or company names.
- spam, unsolicited contacts, or content shared repeatedly or disruptively.
- content that condones or promotes illegal or harmful activities, or that is blasphemous, vulgar, obscene, threatening or created for the purpose of harassment.
- discriminating content.
- attempts to impersonate any person, account or entity, including a representative of B LINGUI.
- content that is illegal or that would infringe the rights of another person or entity, including intellectual property and privacy rights.
- content that contravenes these Terms and Conditions.


Outgoing links: many outgoing hypertext links are present on the Site, however the web pages where these links lead do not engage in any way the responsibility of B LINGUI and LinguiFamily.com which do not have control of the pages on which these links point. The User or Member therefore undertakes not to engage the Site's responsibility for the content and resources relating to these outgoing hypertext links.

Incoming links: hypertext links to the Site may only be created with the prior written consent of B LINGUI, which authorization may be revoked at any time. All sites with a hypertext link to the Site are not under the control of the Company and the Company therefore declines all responsibility (including editorial responsibility) for access to and content on these sites.


B LINGUI attaches particular importance to the protection of its users' personal data.

B LINGUI may collect some of your data. The collection of this personal data is essential for contractual performance and in the event of refusal to provide it, the client is exposed to difficulties in performing the service.

The user is informed via a banner on the Site of the collection of cookies. He can refuse such collection by consulting the help section of his web browser.

The data are kept only if they are useful, B LINGUI undertakes to delete the data collected, as soon as they are no longer used or useful in any processing.

The user may at any time contact the following address contact[at]linguifamily.com, in accordance with the applicable regulations on personal data, each user has the right to query, access, modify, oppose and rectify, for legitimate reasons, the collection and processing of his personal data. It is possible to request that these data be rectified, completed, clarified, updated or deleted.

For more details you can consult our Privacy Policy.


Any contract concluded via the website Linguifamily between two individuals is subject to French law. Before any referral to a Tribunal for any reason whatsoever, the parties undertake to seek an amicable solution.


All disputes arising under these Terms and Conditions concerning their validity, interpretation, execution, execution, termination, consequences and consequences which could not have been resolved between B LINGUI and the Member or User shall be submitted to the competent courts under the conditions of ordinary law.

The Member and, where applicable, the User, are informed that they may in any event resort to conventional mediation, in particular with the Commission de la Médiation de la Consommation (Code de la Consommation art. L 612-1) or with the Tourism and Travel Mediation, and whose references can be found on the website MTV Travel or according to the following coordinates Khalid EL WARDI - Secretary General - elwardi[at]mtv.travel / +33 in case of dispute.


B LINGUI recommends that you consult this page regularly to be aware of any changes.

Current version 09/15/2023.
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